Blog July 5, 2018

So why is CARAN important?

HERD International is currently implementing CARAN (Community Arts against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal) project. It is an important project because antibiotic resistance is a growing issue in both Nepal and Worldwide.  The ...
Blog July 5, 2018

Journey from Camera to CARAN

“What? You want to study film making?” was the first reaction from my father when eight years ago I told him I wanted a career in filmmaking. My father gave me a very good lesson that day on choosing my future ...
Blog June 26, 2018

Pain of living outside the radar of Universal Health Coverage

Ram Bahadur (name changed) 13, studies in grade 5 in a school near his home. His parents are both labor workers and are employed on a daily wage basis in construction sector. The family representing marginalized community resides in ...
Blog June 22, 2018

What can we do and what is being done about antibiotic resistance?

In my last blog I talked about antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, why it is such an important issue and therefore why CARAN was important.  In this blog I will be talking about what makes the situation worse and what we can ...
Blog June 7, 2018

Making the film on CARAN

The making of introductory video for the CARAN (Community Arts against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal) project was another step for me. It was not completely new for me but I have not worked on these kind of sensitive topics in the ...
Blog June 6, 2018

Blending film making in research

I was very excited when I heard about the project, Community Arts Against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal (CARAN). The project is about using participatory approaches particularly film making in the community to understand ...